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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,139 through 3,144 (of 5,274 total)
  • Author
    • #287595

      Hi, My name is Leticia. I’m a psychologist . I came across Kabbalah a few years ago, but really did not understand it very well. A few months ago I stared reading several books on the topic and felt this deep connection to it. However, I found it full of rules and became a bit frustrated, but when I heard an interview from Dr. Laitman I realized it was not about rules or doing something with the body, but about the soul and the connection of all the sparks.

    • #287592

      Hi my name is Melissa and I have always, for a long time been drawn to Kabbalah and have been wanting to learn more about it. I feel like I have known the basics of spirituality for years and now would like to learn more of an advanced level of spiritual knowledge.

    • #287591

      Hi my name is Melissa and I have always, for a long time been drawn to Kabbalah and have been wanting to learn more about it. I feel like I have known the basics of spirituality for years and now would like to learn more of an advanced level of spiritual knowledge.

    • #287535

      Shalom,I am Khaled!

        <li style=”text-align: left;”>I would like to study Kabbalah for a deeper insight into Torah .
    • #287501

      Hi Everyone, My name is Anna and I am from the USA. I have been on an awakening path for a while. I was looking for a better understanding of the Tree of Life and I found myself here.

    • #287478

      Hello Everyone. My name is Krista. I look forward to a gaining knowledge of our spiritual world.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,139 through 3,144 (of 5,274 total)
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