Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,901 through 3,906 (of 6,440 total)
  • Author
    • #296196

      On A journey to Full filament

    • #296184
      Arthur Burton

      Hello seekers of wisdom-

      My name is Arthur- writing in from Clearwater FL.

      Someone recommended this course to me a year ago- and I got a strong “yes” to it- but have not followed through….

      Tonight I attended part of a Kabbalistic Shabat and was reminded of this course and felt that strong yes again, so here I am.

    • #296182
      Jack Brenon

      Hello again, as this is not my first time. I am an Arab American born in 1956 about 40 miles north of Safed, a former center for Kabbalists in old history. I was raised in Damascus until 1973 and left after the second war.  My American name is Jack and my Arabic name is Nehru.  You can call me either name.  I first joined Kabu in late 2019 and did the courses but hit a wall with connection and departed.  However, I have not been able to let it go nor have been able to connect to a 10.  I am hoping this time around I can either connect or let it go as 3 years of praying for a solution was not answered or at least I am not unable to hear what God wants with me?

    • #296149

      Names Ronnie blue. I’m on a journey for answers.

    • #296136

      Hello, Instructors and fellow learners/seekers…

      My name is Melanie Record.  I have been looking for a path to get a glimpse of my creator.  I desire to know where I came from, where I am going, the meaning of life and how to be and just enjoy the moments while I am in my body.


    • #296129

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hey, I’m Kristina and 41 years old. Parallel to my biggest crisis this mystic path has unfold himself infront of me. Since then I start to trust my inner voice and knowing. It’s like a calling and wake up to my life.</p>
      My greatest desire is to develop selfconfidence in what I sence and see, to take responsibility for my thoughts and life. To be human, to be me.. In his Image!

      Shalom from Germany

Viewing 6 posts - 3,901 through 3,906 (of 6,440 total)
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