Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,111 through 4,116 (of 6,440 total)
  • Author
    • #292427

      Hi my name is Jamie I am a 50 year old family man and dog lover from the UK. From this course I would like to deepen my studies into Kabbalah and become a better person.

    • #292401
      Mystique Azúcar

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hola! My name is Mystique I’m an Esoteric Healer and Practioner as well as Holistic Health. I’ve lived many places originally from the states, currently living in Puerto Rico. I’m excited to be studying with you all! Mucho Amor y Paz de PR🦋</p>

      • #292441
        Massimo Roselli

        Hi Jamie, I’m also based in the UK – moving with my husband and my dog to Somerset in a few months! I look forward to deepening my Kabbalah connection!

    • #292400
      Mystique Azúcar

      Hola! My name is Mystique I’m an Esoteric Healer and Practioner as well as Holistic Health. I’ve lived many places originally from the states, currently living in Puerto Rico. I’m excited to be studying with you all! Mucho Amor y Paz de PR🦋

    • #292371
      Benjamin Stokes

      Hey everyone I’m Ben from Melbourne Australia. excited to delve deeper into the teachings and work with you all. Very grateful for this opportunity

    • #292369

      Im shilan from Iran ,Im interested in kabala and other mysticism

    • #292367

      I am shilan from irsn,I am interested in kabala and other mysticism

Viewing 6 posts - 4,111 through 4,116 (of 6,440 total)
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