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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,465 through 4,470 (of 6,438 total)
  • Author
    • #283784
      Carmen Echevarria


      My name is Carmen Echevarria-Lopez, I’ve known about Kabbalah for about 15 years but I did not really get involved with the teachings at that time. I have returned to studying Torah about 3 years ago and I kept asking and praying for direction in my life and to find my purpose. About 1 1/2 years ago, the group that I am studying with started to study the wisdom of Kabbalah but I feel that they are going on the wrong path, I feel as though my soul is telling me that love is the way, not judgment and signaling out others for not doing as they say or teach. I believe that when a person is ready for this teaching it will find them as it did me. I want to learn the wisdom of Kabbalah from others that have studied, practiced, and taught for many years.

    • #283759
      Lindsay Brill

      Hi, my name is Lindsay… This is the 3rd time I’ve started this course here on KabU – not sure why I always fall off, because I find it all extremely interesting and I find that every day my desire to experience God, or even just the present moment as described by teachers like Eckhart Tolle or Michael Singer, grows significantly. I sincerely appreciate all the time, effort, and dedication that has gone into putting all of this information together for the benefit of those interested. I’m certain it has been no easy feat…. Thank you.

    • #283755
      Brian Sachs

      Hello my name is Brian. I can’t stop reading and seeking Kabbalah with Bnei Baruch. I’m also a member of AA working the steps and trying to see   the concepts of one in the other.
      I’d like to better understand some basic concepts and get practical tools for working with the Creator, working with desire.

    • #283745

      my name is mickey. I was involved with the Kabbalah Learning Center in New York a long time ago. I dropped out because of some things they were doing that I didnt think were right. Now I feel drawn back to Kabbalah and Im willing to give it a try again

    • #283708
      peter scott

      Hello and Greeting From Vermont USA.

      I am Peter.  I am Jewish but neither of my parents believed in a Creator.   Having been severely abused as a very young boy leaving me scared for life I made a choice at a very young age to follow a spiritual path opposed to becoming evil.

      My entire life’s journey has been one of self discovery,  connecting with the creator & being a servant to humanity.

      I look forward to our shared time together, Pete 😊

    • #283699
      Mark Garza


      I am mark , and would like to take the course , I am open to new ideas and topics. I am not sure exactly what I am looking for it just seems right.

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