Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #317759
      Jurandy Silva

      In order to see the reality, it´s crucial to develop a new sense organ, the specific organ that allow men to percieve reality as it is. When we depend on our basic five senses to live, the reality we percieve is an egoistic reality, it´s merelly our egoistic point of view of things. Once we´re aware of this bias, the kabbalah study develop this 6th sense, an spiritual sense, through it we can see reality as it is.

    • #317444

      Outside of the body

    • #316914
      Larunce Pipkin

      True eternal reality

    • #316768

      Leaving away from the limitation of our body

    • #316515
      Enrique Luis

      A una percepción de la realidad que me permita conocer la voluntad del Creador y me habilite para cumplir dicha voluntad.

    • #316437

      I would love the wisdom of Kabbalah to remove the blindness of the senses and allow us all to see clear and transparently that in essence….we are LOVE

      I feel it so deeply, but the mind comes on the way, in a way I can’t explain easily yet


      thanks as always dear Kabbalah family

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