Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

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  • #41564

    Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

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    • #297157
      Abbaa Naa’ol

      My Name Is Kebede Mamo Dessis from Ethiopia/ Oromiya

      Changing from egoistic perception of reality to a perception based on bestowal means, change our intentions, restricting the traditional use of our desires


    • #297124

      It means that we realize that the world doesn’t revolve around us. That there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. That it is our joy to be like our Creator, who loves to give.

    • #296442

      To shift from one perception to another perception.

      From this world to The Upper Light

      Sincerely Elma powers

    • #295729
      Aaron Lessin

      To shift from an egoistic perception of reality to a perception based on bestowal is a movement out of our egoistic desire to receive pleasure selfishly to a desire to receive in order to bestow. This connection comes about in practice through connection to the point where we see the other as ourself, not separate as the ego sees the other. This change in perception is a process of becoming like the Creator.

    • #295555

      It is to understand that we all are interconnected. We all have needs and we all want to give to other’s needs. This is shown in nature, everything is interconnected and one gives to the other and viceversa. As humans we are called to do the same. When we learn to do that we will live in peace.

    • #295069

      My answer to this question is a circular response. Even when I want to have the reaction of bestowal on someone it is still for my own selfish reasons. I’m still getting something out of it. Even if I truly want to give to someone I still benefit from their response to my gift. So even though my bestowal was “honest”. I still got something out of it. No matter how much I appear to be bestowing I am still doing it for an egoistic reason.

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