Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

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  • #41564

    Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

Viewing 6 posts - 241 through 246 (of 408 total)
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    • #312270
      Juan Londono

      An egoistic perspective means that humanity sees the world from a place where everything is just a pursuit of pleasure and nothing more exists

      To shift the egoistic perception to perception based on bestowal requires one to take the gift we are being given by the creator, the desire to enjoy and satisfy our ego by taking on the status of the giver towards those around us.  By the fulfillment of the desires of others we feel endless pleasure, combined with the joy of satisfying our desires and taking on the status of the giver and creator we become corrected.

    • #312241
      ali malekzadeh


      changing our perception based on will to receive for my self to perception based on creator’s intention.

    • #312019

      More thoughts: I realize that there is a lot of pain that goes along with this change of perspective. Since for me this change from egoism to altruism is accompanied by the pain of losing something, whatever that is, material, emotional, psychological, illusions, etc.  To do the correct thing to give rather than receive sometimes hurts badly.  Egoism appears to not give way without a nasty fight, much frustration, and painful self-knowledge. Not an easy thing especially when it is turned into action rather than just an idea or ideal. This can be for me very very difficult around things that matter deeply.

    • #312007

      Instead of being unaccepting of ourselves and others, we would accept ourselves and everyone else as they are. Instead of perceiving that something is going against us, we would perceive how everything is working for our benefit. Instead of feeling isolated, we would feel connected. Instead of feeling regret that we missed an opportunity, we would recognize that the opportunity was for others, and we would be happy for them. When we experience a sense of peace and love, we would intend for others to experience the same. When we experience a sense of pain, we would care that the common soul of Israel is experiencing the greater pain. In other words, our thoughts would be for others and we would not feel the need to consider ourselves. Why? Because the Creator considers us and that’s all the consideration we need. Our consideration for ourselves only results in pain.

      Perhaps this is in the ballpark.

    • #311927

      An egoistic perception of reality is an experience for me of walking along in my own movie. I am the star, the director, and the voiceover narrator.  While perception based on bestowal is rather a documentary with all the  emotion and close up faces and connections.

    • #311897

      Looking forward to learning about bestowal.

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