Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

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    Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

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    • #311859

      To start really living under the understanding that we are not one complete self, but part of a greater “organism/system/soul”. If my skin is not my “frontier”, then I can’t really be egoistic (at least not as before the information we’ve received), as I will realize that anything egoistic is also harming “my little me”, not only the system I now still see as outside “me”.

    • #311854

      I think it means to perceive things more from the perspective of the creator who knows only bestowal. This is a more altruistic way of seeing reality than the egoistic perception.

    • #311853

      Thank you so much for these lessons!

    • #311844

      I read this in The Kabbalah Experience, pg 214

      “During the study of Kabbalah, when the will to receive grows, the measure of the screen grows with it, which is the aim to please the Creator, rather than yourself. Thus a great man, a Kabbalist, has a great desire to enjoy, but a corrected one. “

    • #311835

      I believe it means seeing the world from the perspective of the Upper force. Looking at the world with the light on and seeing things differently. Perceiving pain and suffering less negatively and understanding better how our own individual intentions can ease the situation going forward.

    • #311832

      Perhaps shifting from “I don’t know and I don’t care, this scary, this is stupid” to “there is a desire present to learn this method of correct reception through connection to Friends in hopes of bonding with Creator. This feeling is not going away and in fact seems to be growing!”  ❤️

      I start to say a few words and find it difficult to put in words at all, and it makes me laugh!! Gratitude!!

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