Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28787

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 115 through 120 (of 155 total)
  • Author
    • #287311
      Terence Adu

      Discovering that Kabbalah isn’t about Magic and Astrology as I had been studying for the past 7years is a great revelation. I will continue to learn and apply the authentic wisdom.

    • #286014

      I learned that, to know Kabbalah I only need the right intention. That right intention is to receive blessings to bless others. So simple and yet so profound.

    • #284684
      Fredrick Hughes

      Week 1 lessons was very eye opening. It gave me a real sense of relief because it showed me that I wasn’t wrong in feeling that there was more than what religion was trying to reveal. I’m looking forward to gaining further enlightenment through Kabbalah.

    • #282045

      I am surprised and grateful to find that all I have learned through conventional philosophy and the different spiritual paths I have followed up to now, and which I had released, are actually useful in understanding what you are now presenting.  It does show some idea of purpose and continuity to life, that my intention has led me in the right direction, even though I did not understand it at the time, so what I am hearing now resonates with what I have learned to this point, and is adding depth and clarification as I proceed.

    • #282037

      First, I found it interesting that the “mysticism” as it relates to Kabbalah has been, well — I’m not sure of the right words, so I’m sorry if I say this the wrong way, but it seems as if mysticism has been shunned, in a sense, in these teachings on Kabbalah. Yet, of everything that I’ve heard and read so far, I can see how it relates to mysticism in some fashion. I’m very early on, however (first day! :-D), so maybe it’s explained later, but I found that surprising.

      The MOST surprising thing, however, is in regards to the teachings themselves. I realized that I have been learning some of these same concepts from my Spirit Guides, specifically teachings and exercises in regards to Giving and Receiving, which from what I learned today IS the meaning of Kabbalah: receiving (“reception”). That blew me away to come across these teachings that are being expanded upon! I don’t guess it should amaze me, seeing as how the Divine Creator is and has been working in my life, but it does. So, I’m not sure how far I’ll go with these lessons, or how much will resonate as being truth for me, or applicable to me, but I feel that at this point, I’m right where I need to be. 🙂

    • #222844

      Kabbalah is a science and not a mysticism. It is not magic. I see a lot of books about Kabbalah that use these words in there description. I think its a sure sign that they have not been taught the authentic Kabbalah. One must be very careful of the sources used. You could easily be lead off into something that has a similitude of Kabbalah but not the authentic. Thank you so much for clarifying what Kabbalah is not.

Viewing 6 posts - 115 through 120 (of 155 total)
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