Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28787

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #185197

      I perceive that we are all filled with the creator in us. This force is waiting to be awaken and enjoyed and shared with others. Thank you!

    • #184982

      What blows my mind is not exactly the lesson itself, but how I am being brought back here in a strange loop. I remember that i was in an internet cafe “in front of a computer screen”, “in love”, “in pain”, “on a planet”, “sitting on a chair”, and I don’t really know what kind of google search brought me there but i remember that it was motivated by searching for the reasons why all of these things happen to me. And i took a lot of time to catch up with the materials and needed 2 years to finally feel that I was in an environment. I guess that I still didn’t really understand why I was doing all these things and just enjoyed this new kind of company like “love of fish”. So I lost it and 5 years passed. Things didn’t get better on this planet and in my life, but worse, but now comes what blows my mind: You make me understand how my egoism caused corona and why I had to return here again.

    • #184482

      Week 1 of Kabbalah Revealed created something I call “short-circuit of excitement” in me that I sometimes experience. Sometimes I get so incredibly excited about things, that it literally throws me out and I cannot continue engaging with it anymore.

      I have a lot of history with meditation practices and Christian Mysticism and to be honest, I thought that I do not need Kabbalists, that I am already on a very different level than the entry level and quite frankly, that I can do better on my own.

      Now, through a series of events in the past couple of months, I got lead back here again and now I am starting week 2. I can only thank the Creator for leading me to this point.

      Every day, my desire to know the Creator and to become one with Him grows. In fact, because this desire was so strong, I could not wait for week 2 to be revealed and instead I embarked on various “journeys of faith”. They have strengthened my faith incredibly and they made me stronger. But I also got in touch with a lot of (unnecessary) bullshit.

      I have had many beautiful interactions with different people, but to be honest, it is hard for me to truly engage with other people.

      Anyway, I am excited to be back!

      A question for the mentors:

      Since I am starting now, much later, will I miss important interactions with other students? If so, is there a way for me to engage in those interactions anyway?

      • #184668

        Hi Niklas,

        Don’t worry, it’s not a problem. The fundamental and intermediate semesters are meant to be self study courses. The important interactions with students really begins in the advanced semesters. Until then, the main interaction that you have with other students is through the forums. This is a great tool for your advancement, especially the Q/A forums. Reading through the Q/A forums is a good way to connect with your fellow students. It also greatly helps to stabilize the ups and downs that are part of the spiritual path.

        Albert @ KabU

        • #184674

          Thank you very much for the reply 🙂

    • #127484

      It is really facinationing to learn that Abraham, Issac and Jacob and David were kabbalists. It was always intriguing to me when I read the Bible where it says Abraham was  sitting in front of the tent and ran to meet the three men who were passing by and invited them for a meal and rest. Now it does make sense, being a teacher of kabbalah he lost no opportunity in inviting students to impart this knowledge.

      Another one, the single soul Adam Harishon, created by the Creator, disintergrating into many and descending below to form individual entities. Does that mean Adam Harishon does not exist or is something higher than the soul is still existing which draws all parts together?

      • #127791

        Hi Ann,

        It exists in the state of perfection as it was created. The shattering and our current disconnected reality is like a dream or a game which helps us to develop. But once we finish our development on this level, we will reveal the true reality, and see that we were there all along.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #127253

      After reading all of the texts for week 1, there has been a profound shift within me that words fail to articulate or capture in its entirety, so I won’t bother trying to use cumbersome words – however, I did want to share this for others may have also felt a shift, also. This is the right Kabbalah to pursue, and its absolutely worthy of one’s time and attention.

      With much gratitude and appreciation,


    • #61650
      Kelly Bey

      That connecting with the upper source, the root cause of all the effects we experience, does not require traditional customs, religious beliefs, magic nor anything we’ve been programmed to believe from this physical world, and that kabbalah is the method to develop the inner tool needed to connect with the source all around us. I was also amazed that the language of branches was hidden for thousands of years and now open to us in this time.


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