Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28787

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #293774

      The readings really awakened beautiful sensations in me even just the instruction manual of “How To Read The Text”… the idea that the work happens while i’m reading, and not through intellectual interpretation but sort of as a deepening in awareness of the feelings developing inside of me… on that note, another very very *very* fascinating thing i learned… that the feelings i have inside of me that propel me to make decisions aren’t actually mine but stem from the Creator, and that these feelings lead me to my egoistical desires and the feeling of disappointment they bring lead me to turn to altruistic desires, such as being One with Creation… also that the perception of the three aspects of life being separate (The Path, The Self and The Creator) is an indictor of where I am in my Path and that they are in fact not separate.

    • #293504

      The fact that what we think we are seeing and how our brains interpret these things after they have been filtered by our senses is a mind blowing concept

    • #293251

      That all of what is written in the books of Kabbalah i.e. Zohar, Torah etc are written in the language of branches and is not what it seems literally. Woow, i began to wonder if i have been living a lie all my life!

      • #294473

        I totally agree! And curious to find out about developing the 6th opening for the “light”:)

    • #290840

      For long time I have been having issues with the term “Religion” as it seems (to me) removed from the spiritual connection I seek with the Creator. The definition of religion given in this class resonated in  a deep way within me. Thanks

    • #290691

      The language of branches, we live in a wold of outcomes not causes, and complete reality is not here in the corporeal but in the hidden upper worlds? –mind blown.  And there is an answer to the question-what is the meaning of my life?  I am at a loss for words but I’ll give it a try–i feel a softening of rigid perspectives and stretching, nurturing to support the stretching so it doesn’t break.  Shalom

    • #290481

      “After leaving the cave, Rashbi
      gathered nine students”

      “Baal HaSulam described Rashbi and his students as the only beings who
      achieved perfection, the 125 spiritual degrees that complete the correction
      of one’s soul.” -pp. 8, 9, Prologue, The Zohar,  Rav Michael Laitman

      Rashbi and his nine students.

      “Ten are the numbers out of nothing, and not the number nine, ten and not eleven.” -Sefer Yetzirah, ch. 1, v. 4

      Is there a connection?

      • #290693

        Hi Joshua,

        Yes, there is a connection. This is because the structure of the 10 sefirot is the blueprint of all reality. So when Rashbi and his students gathered in a group of 10, it was easier for them to make themselves similar to this spiritual structure and reveal it. We too will work in groups of ten in the more advanced semesters here on KabU.

        Albert @ KabU

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