Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28787

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 121 through 126 (of 155 total)
  • Author
    • #222651
      Richard Lively

      I found the Q&A portion very helpful.  Its hard to silence the Ego when all  you know is Ego.  I have learned to hate my Ego and its selfishness.  I am pretty sure this is the key to understanding what is real and what is not.  I guess I was on the right path, since Dr. Michael. L.’s  blogs tend to say the same thing.  We must learn to hate the Egoistic desires and this will teach us the path to the upper worlds.  “play (pretend”) until you understand”

    • #222436

      My insight after reading the chapter in “Kabbalah Revealed”:

      We have to fight our egoism in order to attain similarity to the Creator, BUT at the same time be greatful for our vessel (will to receive) which we have been given in this lower world. Without a strong vessel, we would not have the desire, the will to continue on the road to the higher worlds.

      Egoism is not the enemy, it is the instrument. Just like a hammer, it could be used to destroy or to build, depending on the intention of the hand holding it.

    • #219405
      Sam Ben-Yosaif

      I am very interested in the worlds between us and Ein Sof. Can someone provide additional materials for research into them?

    • #219328

      Hi all,


      Quite honestly, I was truly taken aback with the revelation that Kabbalah not only isn’t related to Judaism, but that one does not need to be Jewish to study Kabbalah and/or to become a Kabbalist.

      Instinctively, I’ve always knew that the Kabbalah Center “kabbalah” types of practiced and teachings done by Hollywood people was not the real deal, even though it possesses pieces and bits of the true teachings.

      Tony’s youtube videos awakened in me once again the feeling that there is indeed a method, or a science which can help us understand ourselves fully. I am excited with this Path and i am willing to go all the way.

      • #293374
        Massimo Roselli

        I was part of the Kabbalah Centre. I’m so glad to be here and tap into authentic sources.

    • #190159

      Hi everyone. It hasn’t even been a month since I came across KabU content but I do notice an immediate change in perspective about my past. I don’t feel so much regret over the things I didn’t get to do in the past or the time I “wasted” searching everywhere else. I understand now that it was all His plan so that I could arrive here now. So I feel so much self compassion and at the same time I understand that whoever doesn’t feel like this yet, will eventually.

    • #186182

      I am happy to learn the real explanation of Religion since for some time I felt uneasy to continue praying in the Catholic Church with repetitive prayers when I started with Kabu some time ago.  Now I know that I can do both without any regrets and the most important thing is the “connection” !

      However, another question in my mind is, how do I manage not to feel guilty about the people that surround me, family, students, friends, that do not have the opportunity to feel the Creator and continue the path of pain in their daily lives?  Can I help them?

      • #186235

        Hi Esmeralda,

        Nature is a perfect integral system. In an integral system, there are no parts that are more or less important, but rather everyone is equal and everyone is important. If even a single part is missing, then the whole system is incomplete.

        Meaning the purpose of creation will be attained by EVERYONE. And if even one person is missing, then we have not yet attained the entire purpose of creation. It’s like a 8 billion piece jigsaw puzzle, where if even 1 piece is missing, the entire puzzle is incomplete.

        So no one will be left behind, we will all reach the goal. The only difference is that there are those that are awakened to this work earlier and those that are awakened to it later. This is because there is a certain order of corrections that need to take place. It’s like building a large jigsaw puzzle. First you start with all the corner pieces, and only then do you gradually work your way to the center. So those that received awakened points in the hearts are like those corner pieces of the puzzle that need to start the whole process. Later on, due to their good work, they pave the way for the rest of the world to join this process.

        Albert @ KabU

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