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Jarrett Twaddle
ParticipantI feel like it’s been answered before, and so for that I apologize, but; could we refrain from corporeal pleasures to any extent in order to increase our sensitivity towards the friends?
It all boils back down to intent… meaning that if the intent behind my fast was in order to increase my sensitivity towards the friends, then it could work, but if my fasting made me irritable then maybe not…??? Maybe that it has nothing to do with the physical act of fasting (from whatever) itself but the intent behind the fast and adopting the modality of Zeir Anpin (simply limiting the amount of pleasure received in my vessel so as to only “consume” what is necessary in order to fulfil the purpose of the act that it might be used to bestow to others).I realize that we’re focused on the activities specifically as they pertain to engagement towards the group but I want to live my whole life in bestowal. I want every step I take to be a blessing on the grass and bugs under my feet – to not disturb them any more than necessary in order for me to traverse the path, but at the same time I want the path I walk to make it easier on others to find and traverse, themselves. I could easily say that this way of life would give me pleasure in as much as I am able to relate to others, but if my intention is to be as invisible as possible, such that the grass, bugs, and people who found the path didn’t even recognize me or barely knew that I was there and still everything I did was in order to please the creator, without even realizing that this was what I was doing, would that be a valid prayer?
While this reality is one of harsh obstacles, I see value in being soft, like water, which is able to overcome and make smooth even the most treacherous of terrain. How does a Kabbalist eat, walk, or toil?
October 23, 2023 at 12:54 pm EDT in reply to: Reflect: Disclose an insight from the session that resonated deeply with you or reshaped your thinking. #333431Jarrett Twaddle
ParticipantI am so fortunate to be amongst you all. Reading everyone’s responses is just amazing. I love you all, my friends.
October 23, 2023 at 9:45 am EDT in reply to: Preparation Prompt: In Kabbalah, our primary task is to draw the reforming light, which supplies all we require for spiritual progress. Moreover, it’s said that aiding others accelerates our own spiritual ascent. How does this dynamic operate? What does supporting fellow seekers with a spiritual inclination entail? #333427Jarrett Twaddle
ParticipantBeing surrounded by family
October 19, 2023 at 10:29 am EDT in reply to: Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective. #333209Jarrett Twaddle
ParticipantI like how we break dissimulation down into 3 categories – two of them direct and one indirect. Frankly, I feel like the indirect approach is always the most effective unless you get into a conversation where something about it is pressing you to mention the wisdom. Even still, I like what Rav says about dissemination inasmuch that mankind today doesn’t even necessarily need to know that they’re practicing Kabbalah (in some cases it might be helpful if they didn’t) in order for the world to change.
Jarrett Twaddle
ParticipantTogether we rise. I can’t do it by myself or by hoarding wisdom.
October 9, 2023 at 9:21 pm EDT in reply to: Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective. #332589Jarrett Twaddle
ParticipantI needed to watch these videos a few times. I’m truly humbled to be amongst you all.
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