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  • Varda kahalany

    It gave me a lot of think about and looking forward the next step

    Varda kahalany

    What I have realized while doing this course is the fact that indeed anything we do is from a place of wanting to receive pleasure or at least a good feeling. I now understand that our nature is truly to receive and it is not necessarily a ‘bad’ thing if we learn how to receive in order to give. There is nothing wrong with wanting to receive (or bluntly put ‘being selfish’ ) so long it does not come by stepping on others or purposefully doing harm to others. When I think about it, even when we do good things or helping others by giving up from our time and resources, it gives us a satisfaction which basically can be seen as a ‘pleasure of giving’ …. I wish for all of us to be able to develop our point in the hearth to the point where we will able to attain that additional sense which will allow us to gradually get closer and closer to the Creator and also perceive the reality beyond the 5 physical senses.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #330138
    Varda kahalany

    I am Varda from New Jersey, was borne in Romania and when I was 12 my parents migrated to Israel. I grew up in a family that did not believe in God and I remember as a child asking lots of questions but never got a satisfying answer. After migrating to Israel, I went to a religious high school (mamlachti dati) and there I started to come close to religion. Still, it did not answered my questions and since I remember myself I am searching and checking out different beliefs, spiritual practices, channeling and basically everything that has to do with ‘Spirituality’. I also read a lot of material related to quantum physics, astrology\astronomy , and kabbalah…. I decide this time to take it step by step and see what happens…… So far, I am delighted and feel that I may have found what I searched for, but still trying to make sense and connect it to other things which I feel that have also a ‘credibility’ as far as my spiritual understanding goes. One more thing that I would like to discover and understand – how this connects to Judaism and the lows of the Torah.

    Varda kahalany

    I wish for all my fellow students to proceed with understanding and learning and for each one to develop the point in the heart until it will grow to embark the whole body and connect to all the other ‘points’ until it’ll become one. On the practical level, I wish for all to persist with the learning and find time for it, under any condition and circumstances that life will bring forward.

    Varda kahalany

    Hi, I had some difficulty understanding the correct answer for 2 of the  ‘qualities we should rise above’. 1 is  ‘constantly seeking additional pleasure ‘ and 2 is ‘ identifying with the will to receive’. The first actually causes us to keep on learning, searching and trying to attain more spiritual understanding so why we have to rise above it ???? The second, is actually our nature, the way we were created, so instead of rising above it we just have to learn to apply it differently – receive in order to give. Could you please clarify?

    My second question is related to a topic that is very prominent in my life and this is regarding the 613 desires that need correction and how they relate to 613 mitzvot in the Torah. In one of the videos Tony mentions that no physical action can affect the spiritual world and I just wonder if this is so, then the Tfilin, the Mezuza, the reading in the Torah book do not have meaning ? How about all the Kashrut related laws ?  There are countless books in the Judaism about describing various Halachot written by known and respected Rabis, how all this connects ? It is very confusing, especially when famous Rabis and teachers are very keen in observing CORRECTLY the mitzvot in the Torah (even though some are causing for real division between people with different customs, beliefs or religion…..and even between families). All my life I am searching to make some sense out of these things , and I would be very grateful if you could clarify them, even a bit.  Thank you 🙂

    Varda K.

    Varda kahalany

    What I came to understand is that our life (or the reality we perceive as our life) is basically an interchange (battle is too much strong so I choose ‘interchange’) of two forces which we call positive and negative – which are representing the will of bestowal and the  will of receiving.  The way we perceive life is through our 5 physical senses and as we become more ‘positive’ and attain more and more the will for bestowal we develop the sense that allows us a much broader perception of our ‘reality’.

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