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  • keith

    We want Kabbalah to lead us to a perception of reality that is not concealed or filtered by our five senses.


    To Understand

    in reply to: How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered? #62568

    hello jerry,  needing someone to bounce off.  I focused on the negative experience being beneficial also, but I thought the answer to our prayer was the change in us, that took place as a result of us learning about ourselves growing from that situation.   what do you think?



    regards keith

    in reply to: What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you? #62566

    I have discovered that kabbalist’s look at things from a different place and that I find  quite refreshing.  For sometime I have been in an unhealthy place.  Although I knew the problem was in me I could not figure out what was at the core of my problems.   Stumbling across this course last week was the result of my looking for something, but for what I did not know.   Now I have study only the smallest part, I have learnt that I have been sailing around rudderless  having very little affect on anything including myself.  Also I have  learnt that I have accepted doctrines without posing any real questions, I have accepted for the main part the script.  This small lesson has had a huge affect on me, it has taught me that I need to study some more and actually put the theories to the test.  To achieve this I must look at myself very closely to understand my desires, to build my ego a little bit, it is not a bad thing, but to stay focused on my intentions, for it is those that define.  Added to this is the knowledge that I must learn from the negative things that happen, maybe they are lessons to help us become better.  need to watch that bit again

    in reply to: Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2 #62203

    Hi everyone my name is Keith, I am looking forward to learning something new from the course and you.  I am English but live in central France.  I can not say I am without faith, because I believe in a universal force and collective mind, but religion is something with which I fail.



    ojojojo if my results from the first knowledge checkpoint are anything to go by, 0 out of 4, I am even more disconnected  than I thought!! I thought that the work was hidden as much by accident, language, time and the ability for students to understand, than by desire to hide the information. my questions are ; is there a set order to study the material?   why have I understood so little?  could it be I am not meant or able to understand?

    In general, I am very confused and struggling to make sense of so many things in my life, let alone the meaning of life.  The change I sense in me is not for the better, it is based on being more selfish!!  is this just feeding ego? As a younger man I felt a strong connection with nature and what I shall call a force, something bigger and omni present, but I most definately struggle with the image of an old man representing god and judging for heaven or hell.   Feeling instead that what ever this omnipresent force is, it is here now controlling us but not judging us.  If we work within the natural paramètres or laws we could be in heaven conversely if we work against said laws it could become hell.   So my next question is; why does what we do as individuals seem to have such little effect? from experience I know that giving myself can leave me unfulfilled, but I also see that being selfish is not working, it leaves me feeling worse than unfulfilled because in my heart I know I was not put here to be selfish.  Was I not giving myself correctly? does this only work if we give collectively? is our path nothing to do with this? am i going mad?  best wihes keith

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