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  • Paul

    I am inspired by the feeling that here is the actual answer to the questions and issues I face in my life and the seeminglyinsurmountable dilemmas the world faces at this time. There is an inherent and comforting truth in these teachings, that I can  confirm by applying them to the twists and turns of my life. I have learned that I am really just a bundle of selfish desires and my attempts to chase truth, peace, justice, mercy and altruism have all been primarily self-serving! It is reassuring to know there really is a Creator who is only focused on bringing all His Creatures the unending pleasure of knowing Him, His Thoughts & His Love, and that this WILL ultimately happen. I wish for my fellow students exactly what I wish for myself … that we will all feel our Creator’s presence and help on this journey and that it will be as direct and painless as possible in this present life we have.


    I appreciated the clear and logical discourse on why we haven’t been able to achieve peace, justice, truth and mercy for the entirety of human history … they are at odds with each other as ways to coexist in society. This sets up the only solution being a massive perception shift in each of us, realising that what is good for society is also good for me and true altruism is the key to self-love. Hence the DTB is capable of dressing my DTR in a win-win way. I see moving from this realisation to actual sustained behaviour is a huge challenge  … but all I can do is to my bit, changing my intention towards others through faith above reason, knowing that practice and the Creator’s love will lead to my internal transformation over time.


    Since the goal is fixed and will happen … my role is to reach the goal in a way that gets me there as quickly and painlessly as possible … for both myself and others, So far I understand and believe this to be by using my free will in the narrow corridor I can actually exercise it … in deliberately structuring my environment to help versus hinder my progress.


    I appreciated the insights re the language of Kabbalah and examples of the hidden meanings of the Bible stories … made perfect sense even though I’m sure I haven’t fully grasped all the meaning yet. I sent a link to an old friend who has felt very disappointed by the trail of religious faiths he has immersed himself in over the years. He is devouring one of the texts and “can’t get enough of it”. Many thanks from us both.


    To agree with the Creator and all He does. To understand that all He wants is for me to agree that He bestows only good, wants only good for me … and trust that everything that happens is from Him, to these ends. When I am able to view realty from His perspective I have EOF with Him … I am in Him and He is in me, we are One.


    I finally got that we have to try and perform altruistic acts to see that we are utterly incapable of this under our own will and strength. It is only by trying and failing that I realise I need the Creator’s gift of Lishma and cry out to Him for His help with all my heart … that He then moves to bestow me with this gift. Its as though I need to reach the bottom of my barrel to realise in my soul that He is God and I am His creation and I can do nothing to transform my nature without His bestowal of Lishma. This was a very powerful realisation!

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