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  • in reply to: How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered? #55515

    By not expecting things to always go my way just because I prayed. It’s a difficult yet simple convoluted yet easy concept to grasp: We need to adapt to the challenges that God puts before us. It’s not about what we want, it’s about what we need. God gives us exactly what we need to handle in order for us to grow and become better people. He puts challenges in our way so we can overcome them, not take the easy way out. If that were the case, what’s the point in living? When we pray, we need to pray for strength, wisdom and perspective. Not just to make a bad situation go away so we can go back to being our old sedentary selves. Work must be done.


    The greatest thing I wish to achieve is to learn how to love others as well as myself. Also with that love I believe comes understanding. I would really like to find the light through all of this chaos because I feel that we are coming to a very critical time in the history of humanity and I need to know how to navigate it and where and how to stand firmly in myself. With all of the misinformation being spread around, I need to achieve a foothold in what’s real.

    in reply to: What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you? #55513

    These concepts are both new and familiar to me. I’ve read about them before however it’s refreshing to be reminded that everything is already perfect, it’s all about how we adapt. Traditional religious prayer is bargaining with God and also that it is okay to receive so long as we realize our intention behind receiving and with that intention, give back. I love the analogy of the host preparing a dinner for the guest and the guest giving back by enjoying the feast. It helped put the concept of receiving and bestowing into comprehensible perspective.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #55270


    I apologize if I’m introducing myself twice. I thought I’d done this but I’m not seeing my post so I’ll give it another shot!

    My name is Anthony, I’m from California. I’m 34 years old, married and we have a dog. I’ve dabbled in the knowledge of Kabbalah but never engaged in any type of formal structure while studying. I’ve purchased and read books, watched some videos but never actually interacted like I’ve wanted to so I see this as a wonderful opportunity. I look forward to discovering the inner workings of not only myself but of the world as a whole. I feel that as I am approaching 35, it’s time to take a different approach to life. Up until this point, I feel like I have definitely had fun however I’m realizing that “fun” is basically life’s junk food. Drinking, clubs, bars, drama. All superficial and harmful. I’m looking to rise above this.

    in reply to: Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2 #54596

    Hello! My name is Anthony. I’m from California and I have read many books about and researched a lot about Kabbalah over the years however this is my first time interacting with others who are on a similar path. I’m hoping to learn how to better navigate life.

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