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  • Colleen

    I wish for all to be filled with peace, love, and light.  We can rebuild our collective soul by looking in the mirror every morning and understanding that the process begins with our intent for each day, we must be in awareness.   We need to remember who we are, and walk the talk … to speak 😉  We need to treat ALL of the creation with gratitude and kindness, and “slow down.”


    Why does your name say you are blocked?


    That’s an excellent question !!!


    Well…..I hope this doesn’t sound too odd.  But when I was tiny, four or five years old, I believed then that I knew G-d, and I could feel him all around me and every step I took unfolded to understand his nearness better.  And then I had to go back inside the house…..sigh.  My parents were very young; I forgive them; they did the best they could with the information they had in their own lives.  I feel like I was born with the proper knowledge, but then “life here on earth” removed it.  I have had to travel a very long way to get back to the beginning, but I have enormous gratitude for all the “human” lessons on the struggles of being human because it has helped me in my life in my service of others.  But now I feel ready to do something for myself!  I have spent my life in the service of others, and now I will learn Kaballah so that I can be in the service of others, lol.  It’s hard to explain, but my service of others on earth cost me something of myself, but I felt good inside when I was able to help someone.  Often in the service of others, it is unfortunate and heartbreaking work.   So this was still a give and take type of relationship; things needed to happen to be balanced.  What I understand about Kaballah is I will be “full of light” while in the service of others no matter the outcome.  This fullness of understanding is an incredible blessing.  Thank you, Hashem.  BH


    Hi VC 🙂

    I was so excited to see that someone read something I said, lol.  Thank you!  that made me feel good.  I also have trouble with fear.  It has been my lifelong companion, but our “relationship” began to change when I was able to identify it as the root cause. As before I could only identify the stress, the anxiety as the source. (which I’m also sick of! I want new companions)  I never thought of myself as a fearful person because I’m NOT……I have fought lions, so how is this possible? In speaking with others about this paradox, it was suggested to me that I was unable to “let go” to “trust” that what was happening in my life was for my ….good.  To stop trying to control everything (out of fear) to relax, allow time for the universe to make the corrections necessary, and that all would be turned to my benefit. It has been and continues to be the most challenging lesson of my life.   Like being asked to jump off of a cliff and be happy about it!!?  But as it turns out, the universe attaches a bungee cord lol.  You’re safe and loved!


    Too many to count.  Unfortunately, we’re raised to not pay attention to our “gut feeling.”  Or I should say, that’s how it worked out for me.  I have a difficult time “trusting” my instincts, but I’ve gotten better at it, simply by looking back over the course of my life and identifying each and every time something really bad happened and remembering that YES, my intuition……my instinct was dead on, trying to warn me of danger.  When it happens now, I slow down and give myself time to let the universe show me why another person is unsafe.  And in a heightened sense of panic…, I steer clear of those folks without hesitation.

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