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    • #310202
      mrc s

      Should I judge others as more righteous than me? It seems true because if so than who am I to criticize others as I am no better.? Or just on worldly matters?

      • #310204

        Hey mrc,

        Eventually that will be a tool you use, but it needs to be towards the right people. Anyone who has no idea and no care to reveal the Creator in their life, in this world, is what the Creator wants us to see and any of the flaws are only flaws in our perception. In your ego, you’ll always be making these “comparisons”. You can add the additional thought that you know it’s from the Creator, making you feel whatever you currently feel which is perfectly tailored for you to feel at that exact moment which is exactly what you needed to move onto your next form. Therefore, the intention behind it is good, and if I feel bad then this is a place that needs correction. How you correct it and the steps for that is the real practical wisdom of Kabbalah.

        We don’t understand how non-equivalence of form with that force is what brings us sorrow, but slowly we are changed from within until we reach the first revelation and eventually complete correction of that perception in our minds and hearts. All of that happens on the inside. What others see on the outside should just be another functioning, normal human being. Don’t bring the wisdom into that realm. There’s nothing to change out there and that’s not the environment for spiritual growth. A person is where his heart is, where his thoughts are – if the trend isn’t towards spiritual correction, it’s kind of a waste of time. Even though that deviation would also be according to the plan. I think you understand how this wisdom, on one hand, disorients you entirely and on the other hand, gives you the tools to orient yourself yet on a higher level each time.

        Best of luck,


    • #310165
      William Taylor

      Are we the Watchers? because the kabbala says we have fallen from him to this plain of reality and are locked hear untill we remeber our master?

      • #310203

        Hey William,

        I’m actually not sure what you mean by “Watchers” but Kabbalah explains how the growth of the ego, and the separation from one another – the perception of the common soul – was intentional in order for us, of our own desire, to want to find what’s really lacking in us and return to our true form.



    • #308803
      mrc s

      Is the will to receive the physical body?

      • #308906

        Hey mrc,

        “Body” is the word used by Kabbalist to describe the will to receive. We feel our body as ours because it’s that same desire but our physical body is not what we are correcting. We are correcting spiritual desires that are in contrast to the ego.


    • #308501
      mrc s

      Is the Tanakh only for the Israelites or all people, is there a verse about it thanks

      • #308503

        Hey mrc,

        Torah is the light that guides us, corrects us. The book contains such force. Desire is the only condition to receive the influence of that force and there’s no connection between age or culture or geographical location.

        This would pertain only to ” Israel” since the wisdom of Kabbalah defines this as the desire to be aimed straight at the Creator. That is the meaning of ” Israel”. Do you have such a desire? If yes, you are Israel and this”book” will guide you.



        • #308511

          That is a great answer.It resonates in me.
          It sometimes looks as if Kabbalah and the religion are in opposition, but I’m sure I see that only because I can’t understand or feel all the code behind it.

    • #308157
      mrc s

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Please correct my reasoning, : if I prefer honour sometimes than knowledge why is it, my reasoning is like if I am a musician I like being honoured by others more than having great knowledge about music but not honoured, in this case can you convince me that knowledge is better than honor, thnk you</p>

      • #308217

        Hey mrc,

        Oh this is what makes each person completely unique – the way they interpret these flavors of pleasure, all according to their own unique desires. I think it’s totally reasonable to feel how one person could have a great desire for knowledge and would feel immense fulfillment there, while his neighbor might not have any attraction to that desire, but always works hard to be respected at work.


    • #308129

      How do we differentiate between a desire that comes from above, a passionate fire inside, and an egoistic desire? So I understand the key word is intention, but what if your desire is felt or seen by others harmful to them, even if you know inside that is not your intention. Do you suppress the desire to please people, give them some security? How long can you live like that?

      • #308216

        Hey Mary,

        Kabbalah explains that each and every thought and desire comes from the upper force.

        Intention is how we use the desire to receive. How we have it ruled by another force instead of the intention to receive pleasure for myself – we discover the general force of creation which is to do good. We don’t know what it means to do good yet. Any good we are thinking of doing is only “good” to our ego, ourselves. That’s fine though for students of Kabbalah to hear, they can somehow begin to digest what that actually means.

        Trying to begin this inner work in your attitude towards others in the “outside world” isn’t where the focus should be. In fact, the focus will only be with those who have the same aspiration as you – in the meantime. I said “outside world” because those joining the path, really do start feeling a difference between the reality you have within and the reality that you live on the outside. As you start to change, your world starts to change. The others there also living in that world have no idea about the world you’re starting to see which is different than the one they see. They won’t ever see it unless they discover it for themselves and that has nothing to do with how much you can communicate that or not.

        As far as your intentions to not be harmful or what the other person feels, all these should be much more simplified and down to earth. Kabbalah doesn’t need to enter into that realm and a person can start getting really confused if that’s something they end up doing. Trying to connect all things together as a simplified world I built for myself where I understand everything and am content, this is natural. We should already start paying attention to the tendencies of the ego and how it draws us to such positions. We always want to be in control and in a position where I can ensure I’ll be comfortable. The ego is “allowing” you this study of Kabbalah because it sees benefit there for itself, of course. We’re not worried about that, the light will do its work. Everyone tends to do this, right, it’s not just you. Hopefully, others are reading this and identifying. They just all know not to “fight” the ego, but always simply increase the importance of bestowal.

        Going back to your situation. Just do what you would normally do, try to see the Creator’s hand in guiding you the way He does, bringing you to feel certain things and encounter pleasant or unpleasant situations. He wants your attention and doesn’t want you to try and “solve” the disturbances He’s throwing at you. Kabbalah teaches us how to “respond” and we are all still babies flailing our ams and legs over any stimulation. We will become more experienced and therefore more understanding of the One taking care of us, holding us, confusing us, and growing us all with only one intention – “to do Good to His created beings.”

        That’s kind of not an answer to your question but is at the same time. We can expand it if you need.

        Best of luck,


        • #308243

          Hi Chris,

          Reading your reply made me see where my problem is. I’m trying to mix and fit the spiritual world with the physical world too much. Wanting to understand everything and give it meaning that makes sense here in the lower world.

          Another thing that caught my attention: no having to “solve” all the disturbances coming my way. Can you expand on this a little? I looked at it as – little or big tests that we need to solve, “prove” that we want to please the Creator (and in our ego, prove we are worthy). Are you saying the “how” we respond to this test, the intention behind it is enough? and this intention will set things exactly where they have to be spiritually and consequently things will settle in the right place in the physical world too.

        • #308492

          Yeah of course. Yeah so you said it, the “intention” is what counts. This of course is something that isn’t in our hands but it’s like a baby making movements. It’s not thinking it can or can’t make those movements, it’s just “doing”. This is what’s so hard for us to face as beginner students. We are used to acting in this world, operating a certain way and that’s what we know. When we come to Kabbalah, we don’t realize it immediately, but we kind of “un-learn” our ways and force new habits. It’s also not really un-learning since you are more like, overwriting the former habits with newer ones.

          The “prove” in the example is just the efforts a person makes – how they prepare themselves for obstacles and how strong did they tie themselves to the good environment which supplies them with a new inner strength a person slowly reveals can only be re-fueled by society. When the “obstacle” comes, it’s not what a person is able to do at that moment. It’s similar to a war where the war is virtually the outcome of the previous strategy. What weapons you produced and vehicles or soldiers you amassed during the preparation, that’s what you will have to fight the war.

          Another tip would be how you look at “this world” and how you define it. Try defining it only as “in order to receive”. Don’t mix this corporeal matter with spiritual events or concepts. You’ll gradually see where the connection is and how it manifests to you. You’ll see where it has its necessity in the correction process for a person and you’ll be able to relate to it more and more correctly as you progress.

          These are all things a person has to arrange themselves, and they will – but the path doesn’t allow for skipping steps. It doesn’t matter how much a person seems to “know” about the spiritual path. If it hasn’t been experienced in the flesh, measurable attainments and sensations, there’s nothing to guess about and it will only lead you astray further until you realize you’re far gone. It’s worthwhile to adhere to Kabbalistic texts so as not to stray too far each time. Read as often as you can and you’ll certainly see there is a benefit there.

          Best of luck.


        • #308510

          Yes absolutely, I feel how it lights up the path, gently pushing me back on track when I read the kabbalistic texts, or watch the videos in the courses.
          Thanks for your replies.


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