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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

Viewing 6 posts - 703 through 708 (of 1,208 total)
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    • #314630
      mrc s

      I think it is more correct that God wants us to be happy in the end, not in this world?

      • #314657


        The Kabbalists explain that the purpose of creation is to fill the created beings with unlimited fulfillment. And even though a person may still be on the way and has yet to reach the end goal of their development, the correct form of work is that we justify the Creator every step of the way and appreciate and feel joy from every state we receive and for every effort we make towards our spiritual goal.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #314626
      mrc s

      How to avoid spiritual arrogance?

      • #314643

        Hi Mrc,

        Only a person who arranges the correct environment for themselves can advance spiritually. For this, one should be in a society that will promote the importance of bestowal. In such an environment, a person is constantly shown their own smallness with respect to the greatness of the group, and that specifically in the connection between people one can attain connection with the Creator.

        It all depends on the matter of inclusion with the environment. If I am connected with the others, then for sure they will bring me out of any perceptions of my own greatness and importance and back into the greatness of the Creator.

        Joseph – Kab

    • #314426
      Devorah Vidal

      Here are some of my questions

      1)     What relevance is there to the practice of keeping the mitzvot commonly accepted by the orthodox Jewish community?

      2)     Does the wisdom of kabbalah supersede organized religion and religious observances?

      i.e. – hearing the megillah reading, keeping kosher, etc

      are some mitzvot (observances) relevant and others not?


      3)     Is it necessary to study and learn from all the classes in order to continue with Bnei Baruch and KabU? My life and  my schedule is quite challenging for me right now and my koach is limited. I find that I am falling asleep when attending the online learning – I want to proceed to a place where I can learn live with other people and interact with other people who are interested in the truth about what we are really doing here in this existence but I do not personally feel that I must know and understand everything.  i.e. – in order to drive a car, I do not need to understand all of the mechanics of how a car works. I just need to know how to (safely) operate the car.


      4)     I basically just want to know what I should be doing and whatever it is, I want to do it.  However, I want to have some additional assurance that Rav Laitman and Bnei Baruch and the KabU community is the right address for me.  Since I don’t speak Hebrew well enough to communicate with others, I need to be communicating in English. Any suggestions?


      Devorah Vidal – Bat Ayin, Israel – [email protected]

      • #314595

        Hi Devorah,

        1)  You’re asking with respect to Kabbalah I assume…yes? The answer is none. There are some students who keep that tradition, but it has nothing to do with the study nor are they used as a supplement to the study. Religion and Kabbalah have a very distinct line drawn between them.

        2)  It’s not about superseding, it’s about the method of correction. If a person wishes to correct their soul, they follow the teachers who have made the corrections and instruct us how do follow in their footsteps. They do not mention observing any Mitzvot in the physical sense as you’re asking about.

        3)  This is certainly set up for you this way from above, so you take what you can get. Of course, don’t jeopardize your well-being. You need sufficient sleep and time with family etc. so try and keep a normal routine and what you can manage, you manage. You’re not “penalized” or anything like that : )

        4)  Ah of course, no worries. Once you can finish the course and move on to the graduate environment, there you’ll be provided with anything you need, and there are MANY English speakers not just in the US but around the world who will be there to welcome you.

        All the best!


    • #314418
      mrc s

      Can we change the past? God can right, so how do we know if the past is already changed or not?

      • #314592

        Hi mrc,

        Changing the past only has to do with how I relate to it. We can’t change anything. None else besides Him. Our correction is revealing Him in every aspect of reality as the One and only force.


    • #314190
      mrc s

      Do we have innate ideas/concepts or acquire them through experience?

      • #314280

        Hey mrc,

        There are some instincts we have which are handed down to us, like if we are falling we put our arms out. We are also tied to the entire human race, as one body, we don’t see our ideas and thoughts flowing from one another, but this is how it is.



    • #314168

      Does the past exist somewhere?




      • #314279

        Hey Todd,

        Both the past and the future exist in the present…

        Time in general is a construct of necessary human imagination. With what we were given to perceive reality, the result is the sense of time – but in truth, there is no “time” the way we understand it. Spiritually speaking, time is the sense of alternating states.


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