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  • #37684

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 157 through 162 (of 208 total)
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    • #290559

      I used to practice praying to saints. Sorry now for not attributing to my Elohim, (all my life. )

      Do I make sense?

      But Now I do everything for my Beloved Elokim.

      • #290665

        The more you advance on the path, you will discover more and more what is a prayer, how the Creator sends the prayer to you to awaken you and you will discover how everything is coming from one source and slowly you can feel it more accurately.

    • #290532


    • #290272

      I will not say that I understand what he writes.  I can relate to the experience of the vast distance between Him and me.  When even the basic joys of life leave you wanting, how does one practically ask for help?

      • #290409

        Hi Nathan,

        There is no one closer to a person than the Creator. It’s like an embryo within the mother, even without words the embryo is in a constant connection with the mother. Likewise with us, we don’t need any special words or prayers. Whether we’re conscious of it or not, we’re in a constant connection with the Creator. So much so that the Kabbalists tell us that “even a thief in hiding calls on the Creator”. So how does one ask for help? Simply ask. Internally, externally, on a piece of paper, it does not matter, just ask. Start being an active participant in this constant dialog with Him.

        That’s on the side of asking. As for receiving the help, for that we need to clarify what is our current state and what is the future state that we want to reach. As we learn, the purpose of creation is not simply to stuff us full of pleasure like we stuff a turkey, or to take some drug that’ll make us happy for the rest of our lives, but the purpose is to elevate us to the highest best possible state. Meaning to become similar to the Creator, to His qualities of love and bestowal. Everything we experience in life is there to help push us towards that direction. So if we want to receive an answer, our requests need to also be pointed in that direction.

        But where can I test myself? To see if I’m truly like the Creator, if I truly am bestowing? For this we need a spiritual laboratory. A safe place for us to do spiritual work. This is the Kabbalistic group. In the Kabbalistic group is where we focus all of our spiritual work. It’s like we’re building here a certain nucleus. Once we build that nucleus, we will be able to add to it wider and wider circles of the world, until we’ll come to include the whole world in that connection. But this is gradual work. And until we build that nucleus, we have nothing with which to do any spiritual work towards the world.

        We’ll learn how to do all of this practically in the more advanced semesters on KabU.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #290192

      no questions on this moment. Thanks for the lesson

      • #290515

        wat ik ondertussen beter begreep is dat de Schepper  alles  heeft geregeld met enkel de bedoeling de mens gelukkig te zien. We  hebben onze vrije wil  zijn geen marionet  de keuze is aan ons  . Door ons denken en onze daden kan creator  zich openbaren en zijn goedheid  tonen.  Als nu  iedereen zio  zou denken en goed doen aan de andere  zou deze werled een stukje meer gelijken op het paradijs  , de spirituele wereld

    • #287346
      Terence Adu

      When you know God is the only thing that can fill the vessel or Void what do you do. If it’s not fancy rituals and spells or altruism. What’s methods should we be using to fill this void in a long lasting way?

      • #287415

        You are correct that we have this emptiness, this void.  This is what the Creator created.
        Before creation all of reality was filled evenly and equally with one endless light.  In the Creator’s thought (that’s how the kabbalists write it) arose a desire to create a creature and fill that creature with endless delight.
        From the side of the Creator, there is not time or space, so that happened instantaneously, instantaneously there is a vessel, an emptiness that is endless and is filled with the Creator’s light.
        But for us who perceive reality in our limited way, we feel here, below the barrier, we feel time and space and a sequence of events.
        As we start to perceive the system, which is what we are learning here together, we learn about the structure of this desire, this void.
        After all, all of reality is filled with endless light, so all of our work is only to make a vessel that can hold that light.
        You pour wine into barrels and potatoes into sacks.  Each thing has its correct vessel.
        For the light of the Creator we need a kli (a vessel, a deficiency, a special lack).
        What we want to do know is to start speaking with him, converse with Him in your heart, with your words, however you can and as much as you can.
        It does not change Him at all, He does not change, but by relating ourselves to Him, and when we say Him we are referring to the Creator, that endless force of bestowal, when we relate to Him, it starts to format our own vessel.
        If you wanted to raise star dust up to be a creature that knows all of reality, to become like God, so first it needs to want to eat and then procreate and then build a home and then acquire some wealth, it takes a long time until that matter organizes itself, the mind and emotion develop until it even starts to recognize that there is a Creator.
        We are on our way and these things will become more clear.
        Keep asking the Creator to guide and help us to bring His light into the world.
        He will make the vessel bigger and we will keep asking.  Later you will learn here how we connect together with others to form a structure we call a “10” between us where we form a common vessel called a soul for the Creator to dwell.

    • #285938

      “I come out of the darkness into the light. I come with nothing. I empty myself of all things. I am an empty vessel. I know nothing. I have nothing. I am no thing.

      Therefore, I receive from the Universe all things, and flow these in service to the light.

      To create a better world and a better life.”

      Thank you for helping me to understand the meaning behind these words as they relate to the study of Kabbalah.  Peace and blessings to all.

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