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    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #358874

      can you describe how your life has changed by learning Kabbalah? I remember reading something about the first 13 years, for those of you who are far upper at the ladder, how is your life different from us down here?



      • #359212

        All of those ages that you read about refer to qualitative degrees, although they are called as 13 years or 20 years, etc.
        They all point to spiritual operations, spiritual corrections or qualities.

        I think that if you opened your note book and started writing about how you perceive reality, you’d see that already some things are clarifying and within a few weeks you should write again and you’ll see that from studying the wisdom of kabbalah, a person becomes calmer, she understands how the world is operating, she understands herself and the process she is in and towards the good future where she is headed.

    • #358201

      Hi there,

      Thank you all for all the effort in bringing this life changing knowledge for the world to grow together towards the Creator.

      My questions are regarding identity and free will. It is said we are only the will to receive and also there is none else besides Him in later videos. To clarify, does this mean all our thoughts, feelings, experiences, and identity is all received by the creator?
      I know it is mentioned later that our freedom is a small point that allows us to choose our environment, such as studying in a Kabbalah group. However I feel that even this choice to study is one that is given by the creator. It seems to me our choice is also mostly given by the creator, although it is always a choice that will lead to the highest good. I feel everything we are and identify as is received, and that the corrections or choices we make towards correction are also given. Any thoughts on this?
      And also does this mean there is ultimately no real sinner and judge, since that is just a perception and there is none else besides Him?

      Thank You,


      • #359210

        You are correct, we are in closed system, an integral, harmonious system where all of the pieces are connected to all of the other pieces like gears in a watch, even the smallest gear that turns affects all of the other gears.
        In our spiritual work we discover more and more that the Creator is operating everything and there is no force in the world that can do anything against him.
        Later when we acquire spiritual vessels and we stand exactly in the middle of reception and bestowal, that will be the point of freedom.


    • #357655

      Awesome as always

      Will give me a week of inspiration to see how I am going through life

    • #357117

      Hi, thank you for the wonderful materials. eye opening.

      if we are programmed in such that we can only sense what we sense due to egoism, how we will be enabled to build similar qualities of the upper reality? with the help of the planted seed in our heart? is Kabbalah the science to help us connect and grow that seed so we gain now capabilities and operate under a new program?

      I don’t belong to any religion but I read that based on Christianity, we don’t have the capability to not sin, I suppose that also means we don’t have the capability to be similar to the quality of bestow? but based on Kabbalah, with our own efforts we are able to obtain upper quality?




      • #357186

        We need to come to desire the Creator.
        That’s the whole game.
        To desire the Creator, to desire love is opposite from our ego that only desires to be filled for himself.
        So it is precisely through working with the ego that finally, finally come to the realization that we cannot escape it and then a new, true desire for the Creator emerges from our hearts, when we realize that we are helpless with our own powers to reach the spiritual degrees.

    • #339620
      Nick Martinez

      Hi there,

      I truly appreciate the effort this organization puts into educating it’s students. Thank you. I feel that I have so many questions, it’s difficult to know where to begin. One that sticks out to me at this present moment is related to the spiritual worlds/degrees.

      Does Kabbalah eventually describe in specifics the various degrees of spirituality (1-125) / spiritual worlds, enough to allow the student to accurately assess their current spiritual standing? It seems as if the non-empirical nature of these states make it impossible for one to ever know whether they are on the 23rd or 75th degree, or frankly if they have even crossed the barrier at all and if they are hopelessly stuck in complete and total egoism.

      Thanks again for your time and effort!

      • #359620

        I feel myself exactly at that point, after years of trials and attemps. And at this very time of being at the threshold of giving up, I met your course. Sincronicity?

      • #339856

        Up until now you were at a state called the first 13 years.  It doesn’t mean how many times you went around the sun, all of these numbers represent qualitative states.  Once a person comes to the desire to know what is beyond the material fulfillment, when his point in the heart awakens, this is the called the first 13 years.  The point in the heart is the back side of the lowest spiritual degree of the world of Assia, not crossed the barrier between the material and spiritual worlds where the 125 degrees begin that you mentioned.
        This state now is also called the preparation period.
        After acquiring spiritual vessels, one perceives spiritual phenomenon.  Just like with hands you can now feel your keyboard and with your mouth, you taste your coffee, so with spiritual vessels you perceive spiritual things.

        I very much encourage you to delve into this work and discover the myriad discernments there are in the ego and the work to try to do something free from it.  This is how we are created and this tool of the ego is specifically our launch pad to be able to exit it.
        Becoming despaired of it’s tireless grip on us is a good place to be!  Then we know we need something else.
        Good luck, the hero is the patient one,

    • #338507

      Many people who take ayahuasca claim to visit a different visit a different dimension or reality. One where they feel love and connection to everything. A lot of these experiences are documented now. They are doing more and more scientific experiments with DMT specifically to explore this alternative reality. The question is what is this reality people are experiencing? Or better which world is it? Or is it any of the upper worlds. If we only perceive a small portion of what’s actually going on around us , is this drug opening doors to other reality’s?

      • #338596

        There are thousands of religions and methods.
        I’ve also heard of these experiments and in my past I tried several psychedelics myself.
        The wisdom of kabbalah does not dictate to a person what to do with his body, the wisdom of kabbalah is something wholly different.
        Undoubtedly, under the right conditions, a person can have an experience of oneness with nature, however this is a disconnection from the reality around us.
        While mushrooms are on the vegetative degree and the DMT for example is on the inanimate degree, the method of kabbalah brings a person into a connection with other humans, to begin to see the world through the eyes of other humans, to feel the world as they feel it, to truly come out of our 3D world and gain endless dimension to our perception.  All of these parallel universes intertwine into a complete picture of reality.


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