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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 308 total)
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    • #337348
      Seamus Dolan

      I have read that we cannot bestow to the Creator and therefore we learn to bestow within the group. As we have learned that Kabbalah only deals with the Upper world and has nothing to do with Our world , what is it exactly that we learn to bestow within the group?

      • #337412

        These are very exalted things and it will take time to understand and feel these things.
        Of course the Creator dresses Himself in the four degrees of reality (inanimate, vegetative, animate & speaking) corresponding to the four phases of direct light that emanate from His essence.  But without these dressings, how will we relate to Him, how will we touch Him, see Him, relate to Him.  Until He is revealed to us as it is called “face to face”, so we approach Him from the backside, through His clothing in reality. And specifically through others who are also working with the texts, the light in the texts, playing the same game with us.
        We will learn about this more in the future.

        • #337519
          Seamus Dolan


          Many thanks for your reply. I look forward to continued study.

          Best wishes


    • #337338
      Leyah Lynette Evol

      Hi,  how does a person cope once they start climbing the ladder and find no resonance with their past.  I bet it gets really lonely and isolated, and the people they once knew start thinking their weird and crazy, and worthless because they just don’t value money like they used to or entertain gossip or meaningless rendezvous or pointless chit chat.

      • #337411

        You need to be a master artist of life.
        On the one hand we are required to have a family, work, go to the market, go to family events and on the other hand a kabblist simultaneously  lives in the spiritual worlds.  You are right, that the process of stabalizing yourself between these two realities takes effort, time and craftsmanship.
        Try.  It’s ok if you make mistakes, it’s not actually a mistake, but a clarification in what, how, why…
        Good luck and let us know how it is going.

      • #337346
        Patti Y

        Why would you try to explain any of this to anyone who isn’t interested in spiritual growth? That’s a sure fire way to alienate people. It seems to me that, as we’re learning so much new information, it would be better to keep it inside, ponder it privately, so that you’re not influenced by what others think, and so that you don’t try to give them understanding that you haven’t completely grasped yet. When this starts getting “inside” of you, others will see a change in you. Maybe they’ll ask questions at that point. In the mean time, keep quite, ponder, and be yourself. Just the thoughts I’ve learned in nearly 70 years.

        • #337778
          Leyah Lynette Evol

          Hi Seth,

          My heart is always open to forgiveness and reconciliation, but that’s my heart.  I’ve accepted that I have no control over the words, choices and actions of others … only my own.  I trust that G_d in his infinite wisdom uses every experience for good even when it appears bad, I trust that Divine wisdom super cedes my understanding.  I trust that one day I will understand and it will all make sense. This is the hope I carry in my heart. I think of Joseph who was separated from his family for 22 years and was reconciled in Divine timing.  I look at my family dynamic as part of the shattering required for my personal refinement.  There is a lot I learned about me in my Egypt.  Although we all love happy endings perhaps that only comes after leaving Egypt and roaming in the desert before entering the promised land.

        • #337410

          We are students of the kabbalist Rav Laitman who received the method from his teacher, the holy kabbalist the Rabash who received it from his teacher Baal HaSulam the author of the Sulam commentary on the Zohar.  Our method as we received from Baal HaSulam is to make the wisdom of kabbalah available to anyone who wants it.  There is no coercion.  Only according to the desire of the student.


    • #337306
      James Ryan

      How will I know that the point in the heart is there? Is the desire to bestow something that can be felt, beyond the normal feelings of compassion or sympathy for others in need? How does this translate into a 6th sense?

      • #337409

        We have desires for food, sex, family, money, honor, knowledge and power for example.  Those are desires of this world.
        When something else is revealed in you, that no matter what you receive, there is still an empty place that yearns to be filled with something eternal, a desire to know who am I, why do I exist, why do we suffer, etc., then a person is led to the wisdom of kabbalah, this is the revelation of the point in the heart.

        All of those material desires that I listed above renew themselves naturally.  The point in the heart will not grow like you hunger for dinner or sex grows.  The point in the heart will have to be built consciously in a spiritual environment with the right conditions.  Just like a plant needs water, soil, sun and protection from rodents, for example, so too this spiritual seed needs to be planted in an environment that will nurture it.  This will turn into your soul where the Light of the Creator will dwell and in that soul you will feel the spiritual reality, what you are calling the 6th sense.

      • #337367
        Leyah Lynette Evol

        Thank you Patti, Bless you.

      • #337322

        WOW,  THANK YOU.

    • #337287

      Are there any specific techniques within kabbalah to change our frequency and develop that 6th sense?

      • #337408

        What exercises or mantras can a cat do so it can finally feel the depth of emotions that a human can feel?
        We understand that no matter what a cat does, he doesn’t have the inner or outer structure to feel what a human can feel.
        That is the gap between the animate and the speaking degree.
        You are asking about the gap between the speaking and the spiritual degree.
        That gap is even greater than the gap between the animate and the speaking degree.
        However we have everything we need in order to rise to the spiritual degree.
        Of course there are techniques.  After all, you found a method, but it is not as you think that you can say a mantra, or think a thought, or do some action.
        First things first, we need to be washed with the fundamentals so that we start to understand and feel who we are, which is a will to receive, and what does that mean in all it entails and then I can’t feel the Creator, with what sense can I feel something without taste, smell, invisible, etc… but if I start to know what is reception, then I can start to imagine what would be the opposite of reception, which is bestowal, love, etc.
        Engage with your powers in the fundamentals that you are being presented now, you will see how everything will open step by step and not in the place where you expect it to.

    • #336221

      If I understood correctly, there is an hierarchy of desires: Survival+Reproduction < Wealth < Power < Knowledge < Spirituality.

      As the desire for spirituality increases, shouldnt the other types of desires decrease? If so, how do You explain religious fanaticism, bringing violence over to spirituality, the opposite of what was just described?

      • #336241

        We must first understand what does spirituality mean?
        The kabbalists tell us that the Creator is 100% bestowal, to receive nothing for Himself, but only to bestow endlessly.
        The Upper Light extends from His essence and cascades down through 4 degrees.
        And what is the only thing that the Creator created?  Only a desire to receive that delight and pleasure, that developed according those same 4 degrees.
        That desire developed for billions of years according to those same 4 degrees. from the degree of inanimate, vegetative, animate and finally speaking.
        And within the speaking degree itself, there is also those  4 degrees which you generally described.
        Spirituality is not a corporeal desire.  All of our corporeal desires are to receive.  Spirituality is to be like the Creator, which is only to bestow.
        But He made us to receive.  So we must receive, but ontop of our reception there must be an intention to bestow.  That is we receive, not in order to receive, but we receive in order to give contentment to the One who Gives and wants for us to Receive.
        So, actually as we develop spiritually, our desires also increase.

        Regarding “religious fanaticism”, this has absolutely no connection with spiritual attainment.

    • #335567

      How can I remember in a difficult situation that we were created only to receive pleasure

      • #335614

        When you invest a lot of time and energy into working, you want to get a reward.
        When you have a child at home, you go out and work to support him.
        When you fall in love for the first time, you think about the person a lot, because it is important to you, sometimes you cannot sleep.
        So you invest yourself in the books and the spiritual work so that you think about it a lot, so that you care about it a lot.

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 308 total)
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