Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 919 through 924 (of 4,859 total)
  • Author
    • #325346
      karin ebner

      my name is Karin, i study with bnei baruch since about 20 years and continue kabbalah, because its the right way  for me

    • #325319

      My name is Kathy.  I am seeking a spiritual path and practice that resonates with me.

    • #325308

      My name is Joyce. I had a spiritual experience in January of 2021 that started me on a path of spiritual awakening. I have been interested in Kabbalah for about a year now. I misunderstood it, thinking it was part of “Judaism”. I believe that Kabbalah is one path that leads to the Creative Source.. My spiritual “journey” has been quite diverse. Looking forward to learning more .

    • #325294
      Erin B

      The need is real. That’s why I’m here.


    • #325275
      John Rogers

      Hello. A week ago I would have never thought of being here and doing this.

      I have no expectations, as I am a beginner in this.


    • #325251
      Lorenzo I. Azpurua

      Hola me llamo Lorenzo, ya hice el curso hace como no se 10 años pero quiero refrescar y volver a ver cosas que antes no vi. Pasado mucho me divorcié me volví a casar tuve un hijo…mis padres murieron etc. pero madure mucho y esos estudios se mantuvieron conmigo siempre y me han abierto los ojos en ver y crecer. A ver que me dice el creador esta vez!

Viewing 6 posts - 919 through 924 (of 4,859 total)
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