Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #37711

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 54 total)
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    • #336545

      It is fascinating to be a small group of people to correct everything. I started this journey as my chance to see the Creator that religion cannot deliver, and I have a great responsibility and opportunity to grow as a spiritual adult.

    • #336357
      maria santos

      Wow, this week for me was mind blowing, eye opening, light flooding my heart. I know we were only supposed to read page 83 on Peace in the World, but I just couldn’t stop reading and read the whole chapter. What insight/wisdom was contained in that reading. That along with the video’s just opened my eyes to the realty of peace and the futility of the way we, as creatures, have been trying to achieve it.

      For many weeks maybe months I have not been able to see any light in the current state of our world, and now I feel like the Creator has given me a little light on what I perceived as negative/bad and how He can bring Light to it, how His plans for us will be done, whether by Light or pain.

    • #334190
      Mel Farrell

      I relate so much to the internal struggle described between my own hatred towards others and the need to connect to and find altruism within.

    • #334177
      Jack Davidsen

      I have realized something about myself. That worry I always have about not being good enough to participating in helping to make the world a good world, it is another ego thing. Why? Because if I’m not good enough, the world won’t loose much in me perishing.

      Understanding this actually gives me a sense of peace of mind. I will still not feel good about people thinking I am evil, but I am free to pursue my own goal, which is simply to help make a better world – and more than anything I still want to attain Equivalence of Form. It would be so awesome to be part of bringing peace to the world – not peace in the sense that there are no opposites, but a world of balance, a world that is what it is intended to be by the Creator. That is what I want to be part of.

      Will I be part of it? I don’t know. But I know I won’t worry about not being good enough anymore, I will simply do the best I can as much as I can.

      Shalom to the world, my friends. 🙂

    • #333949

      I have started noticing that I “crave” learning Kabbalah.  As my usual day goes on, it gets very stressful, hectic and I feel so much negativity.  But as I do my daily learning, I become calm, things fall into place and nothing about my day seems so difficult or negative anymore.

    • #331966

      The insight of the difference how the most religions see the upper force/creator:god and how Kabalah approaches this was very valuable to me. To know that nothing we do has any impact on the creator who is and remain good; To know and feel this gives me enormuous peace.

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