Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Course Reflections Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

  • #37716

    Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

Viewing 6 posts - 199 through 204 (of 309 total)
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    • #299502

      1.     What inspired me the most in the course is knowing that the CREATOR is the whole of reality and not my inherited perception of a Diety in Heaven who presides over heaven and earth, with punishments and rewards. I am still un-learning to my amazement and having satisfaction for once to most of my burning inward confusions and questions.

      2.  I have learnt that i am part and parcel of an integral whole of reality and by default interconnected with the collective soul with a specific purpose and function that affects or impacts it both positively and negatively depending on my actions at any given point in time. And that to keep the collective soul healthy and in balance, i have to selflessly perform my unique function through a process of receiving to bestow.

      I have also learnt that i have a role to play in the final correction of the collectively soul by intentionally and consistently correcting my egotistic desires and intentions with the Help of the Reforming Light, and progress towards attainment of equivalence of form with the Light Force of the Creator, with a new intention to bestow.

      3.  I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development to intentionally and continually make the paradigm shift towards the correction of all egoistic desires and intentions that blocks out the Light, and advance by the help of the Reforming Light to attain equivalence of form with the Creator to bestow selflessly, so that at the end, together and collectively we all achieve the final Correction.

      Thank you so much Senior Instructor Tony and the KabU Team a highly impactful course!!

    • #299312
      Abe Tapia

      What inspired me the most has been the spiritual forces at work in the course lessons which are helping me increase the spark in my heart and share it with other kabbalah students.  You are all in my daily prayers. Shalom.

    • #299103

      1. The depth of the wisdom itself and the knowledge of the instructors.

      2. That I am a raging egoist capable of burning down the entire world if I don’t change.

      3. Health, wellness, and longevity!!!

    • #299042
      Marko Podgorsek

      I really liked the Free Will part of the course.

      Through the course I gained a focus that I didn’t have for a long time now. The focus to study and learn without my mind wondering around. This also made me calmer.

      My fellow students, I wish we advance in our studies as quickly and as efficiently as possible and show the students that come after us that it’s worthwile to engage in the studies.

    • #297561
      Tove Jo

      Ho visto, ascoltato diverse videi riguardo Cabala…e sono stato tante cose che mi ha colpito..magari ho ascoltato troppe videi.  Mi e piaciuto capire che ognuno di noi vede il mondo secondo ciò che uno sta vivendo nel momento presente. Sono contenta di sentire che cambiando me stessa aiuta anche gli altri a cambiare. Desiderò per gli altri gioia nel loro studi e cambiamenti, crescita .  Mi piace leggere i  commenti e i loro pensieri che spesso mi stimola. Grazie!



    • #296234

      Together, we can accomplish the mission. Together, we will accomplish the mission. Sending my love to the group.

Viewing 6 posts - 199 through 204 (of 309 total)
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