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  • Jack Brenon

    The Massach, the “Not for me”, does this apply to all desires such food, sex, money, wealth, power, and knowledge? or just a spiritual desire to reveal God?  I am not sure, I can say, I am eating this cake or sleeping with that woman, or shorting that stock despite what it does to the market or the corporation financial health, BUT it is not for me, I have the desire to do it and I am doing it for giving contentment to God.  I must be misunderstanding the concept, or am I?

    Jack Brenon

    I have NO idea!  I know I need to correct myself, but keep hitting a wall.  This is why I am here again doing this course all over hoping to find what I missed and if I can overcome the obstacles.  I can only say that my journey on this pass gets more difficult as I go, I hope and wish for you that yours is not as difficult and maybe one day some of you will reveal the concealment and pass it on to the rest.

    Jack Brenon

    For me, I want to perceive the reality that can explain to me the purpose of our lives.  My senses show me a sad world that is fragmented, divided, at times right out cruel, but every now and then, it surprises me with a touch of compassion or love leaving me wondering if my senses are a function of neurons or brain chemical that controls how I see the world at one point in time.

    I am hoping eventually, I can reveal the truth about the reality we live in through knowing the purpose of life.  Having “Equivalence of Forms” with that loving force out there is a lovely thing to have as it promises unlimited love and pleasure, but I am not sure how to get there.

    Jack Brenon

    With every lesson I am hoping to learn the purpose of our lives, where we came from, and where are we going to?  Kabbalah says it is concealed but can be revealed as some have attained it. If  I am lucky enough to reveal it, With that attainment, I am hoping to find peace.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #296182
    Jack Brenon

    Hello again, as this is not my first time. I am an Arab American born in 1956 about 40 miles north of Safed, a former center for Kabbalists in old history. I was raised in Damascus until 1973 and left after the second war.  My American name is Jack and my Arabic name is Nehru.  You can call me either name.  I first joined Kabu in late 2019 and did the courses but hit a wall with connection and departed.  However, I have not been able to let it go nor have been able to connect to a 10.  I am hoping this time around I can either connect or let it go as 3 years of praying for a solution was not answered or at least I am not unable to hear what God wants with me?

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