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  • in reply to: Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor. #387451

    Thanks, this is all truly and deeply fascinating… and touching 🙂

    in reply to: Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor. #387445

    Hi, there is one more question that just popped up with th quiz…

    I am not quite getting how in terms of creation desires are processed throughout  the four phases of light. Is creation an entity, something that developed or happened „once“ and „as a whole“ ( hard to understand when taking away time and space, but anyways), or is it a repetitious process, and every desire is transformed through those four phases, like energy waves that are being transformed through their environment one by one?. In other words, is creation happening „once“ or is it happening again and again?

    in reply to: Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor. #387444

    I understood from the other courses, that Malchut is the only phase in which the inanimate/vegetative/animate and speaking matter comes to realisation, i.e. that only in Malchut our human existence, including all on earth and space, comes to „be“ (as much as to be really exists…). Is that correct?

    in reply to: Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor. #387440

    Hi Gianni, thanks so much for the awesome video… and same for those in the course „Emergent Universe“, they are really fascinating. Anyways, I do have a question about predetermination, which I have been trying to understand for a bit. I am getting that  idea of predetermination being like a „big plan of development“, which we cannot grasp in our lives due to our limited perception. Now, I have been wondering about the elements of predetermination. Is it like there are two different ways of predetermination – like fix-points on the one hand, and options on the other? Like, for example, one predetermined event could be a car crash – if it would be a fix point, that would mean the decision has been made before I incarnated, and no matter what, I will be in that car at the given time and place, and the crash will happen. Or, if it was a flexible option, it might have been predetermined that in case I need to be pushed into a certain direction, to get the chance to develop my desires, the car crash might be a viable option, and in case I need that push, I will be in that car at the given time and date, and will be exposed to the crash. Does it work anyhow like that? Or did I get it wrong? Or is it just fix points and no flexible options? Thanks so much 🙂


    I am really impressed by the idea that our reality is just a subjective projection that we grasp as being complete, because we are limited to the 5 senses that we have been given. It is a very calming experience to find there is more than that; and that some things are just showing themselves in the connection between friends. Anyways, thus inspired, I am very curious to start to understand how our subjective human reality connects with any spiritual reality. Whic hof our emotional/ social laws do really connect to the law of nature? Which aspects should be left separate, which do interact? There are so many questions about that, therefore I am very happy to start this course :-).


    I dońt know if it fits here, but I am wondering about the meaning of predetermination. What does it mean in terms of our subjective reality in Kabbalah? Is predetermination to be interpreted in the classical way, in that certain events / obstacles will happen to us because itś part of the pre-determined blueprint of our life? Or is predetermination relating to a „pre-life“ agreement to work on a certain state, so that predetermination means we will be pushed until we get there, which would then also mean that the events may change in relation to our response? And what is free choice then? In the first case,would  free choice then only be in the decision to incarnate or not, and in the second, would it be the decision to move on or not?

    • This reply was modified 1 week ago by Verena.
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