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Viewing 10 topics - 1 through 10 (of 15 total)
Viewing 10 topics - 1 through 10 (of 15 total)
Inspiration Of The Day
By giving his friends gifts, each gift that he gives to his friend is like an arrow and a bullet that makes a hole in his friend’s heart. Although his friend’s heart is like a stone, still, each bullet makes a hole. And from many holes, a hollow is created, and the love of the giver of the gifts enters in this place. The warmth of the love draws to him his friend’s sparks of love, and then the two loves weave into a garment of love that covers both of them.
- Rabash, Man As a Whole
During the work, a person should say, “If I am not for me, who is for me?” At that time in the work, they think that they themselves are doing the ascents and descents, that they are men of war, called Tzava, “mighty men.” Afterward, when they are redeemed, they attain that the Lord is of hosts [Tzevaot], meaning that the Creator made all the ups and downs they had.
- Rabash, What Is Above Reason in the Work?
You lack nothing but to go out to a field that the Lord has blessed, and collect all those flaccid organs that have drooped from your soul, and join them into a single body.
- Baal HaSulam, Letter No. 4
The end of the correction of the world will only be by bringing all the people in the world under His work, as it is written, “And the Lord will be King over all the earth; in that day, the Lord will be one and His name one.” The text specifies, “on that day,” and not before.
- Baal HaSulam, The Arvut
The sensation of good and evil in relation to His guidance brings with it the sensation of reward and punishment, for one who exerts to not part from faith in the Creator is rewarded even when he tastes a bad taste in Providence. And if he does not exert, he will have a punishment because he is separated from faith in the Creator.
- Rashbi, Zohar for All- Introduction...
Seek the Lord while He is found.” That is, when the Creator presents Himself to you for asking, then you will necessarily seek Him, too, for it is man’s way to move first. In other words, the Creator first gives you the heart to seek Him. When you know this, you will certainly grow stronger, as strong as you can ask, for the King is calling you.
- Baal HaSulam , Letter No. 52
One must believe that “there is none else besides Him,” meaning that it is the Creator who compels him to do the good deeds, but since he is still unworthy of knowing that it is the Creator who commits him, the Creator dresses Himself in dresses of flesh and blood, through which the Creator performs these actions. Thus, the Creator acts in the form of Achoraim [posterior].
- Rabash, Why Is the Torah Called “Middle Line” in the Work – 2
The Creator wants man to feel that he is a separate reality from Him; but other than this, it is all “The whole earth is full of His glory.” Hence, when lying to one’s friend, one is lying to the Creator; and when saddening one’s friend, one is saddening the Creator.
- Baal HaSulam, Shamati 67
Everything, small or great, is obtained only by the power of prayer.
- Baal HaSulam, Letter No. 57
“In the fullest measure of ‘Love your friend as yourself’, one can give all that he has to any needy person. He no longer cares for his own existence, since knowing that he is surrounded by loyal friends standing ready to provide for him. Hence, with this collective responsibility each member of the nation is liberated from worrying about his own needs.
- Baal HaSulam, The Arvut
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
What Kind of Prayer?
April 25, 2024
Question: How can we influence all people from within ourselves without going out to the people? Answer: We can achieve this only if we can raise our prayer to the Creator. Question: What kind of prayer? Answer: That is what we need to figure out so that our prayer is so unified that it can […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
The Essence of Passover
April 25, 2024
Question: What is the true deficiency (Hisaron) born in the struggle of exile and redemption that leads to true prayer? Answer: The true Hisaron, or deficiency, arises in a person through the process of studying what exile is, why we ended up there, and how to escape from it. This is the essence of Passover. […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
The Measure of Correcting Egoism
April 25, 2024
Question: How can you understand the extent of your evil and ask for the measure of its correction; how can you get out of this state? Answer: To the extent that we can reveal egoism in ourselves, we can ask the Creator to correct it. Otherwise, it will be a request for something empty. Therefore, […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
Something to Think About
April 25, 2024
Question: How does the feeling of exile arise in a person? Answer: As a person desires to exit egoism, to distance from it, the feeling of being in exile is born within him. It turns out that one is in egoism and hates it at the same time. Question: Pharaoh rules over us through egoistic […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
What Does It Take To Get out of Egypt?
April 25, 2024
Question: If I am aware of my egoism and lowliness and want to connect with my friends, is this enough to get out of Egypt? Answer: No, you must feel that you are in Egypt, in egoism, and cannot break free from it. Question: What should you do when you find yourself in selfish pleasure […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
Feeling like You Are in Egypt
April 25, 2024
Question: When the sons of Israel felt a great emptiness, they cried out to the Creator. This cry came out of them automatically. What was their freedom of choice? Answer: They had freedom of choice before when they were in Egypt. Now, the Creator has gathered them and pulled them to Him. Therefore, they are […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
The Speed of Coming Out of Exile
April 25, 2024
Question: How can the entire world group come out of exile correctly? Answer: According to your desire, to the extent that you unite with your friends and together want to eliminate the force of evil, the Pharaoh, who always draws you back to Egypt, to your egoism, to the desire to receive, to that extent […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
The Task of a Lifetime
April 25, 2024
Question: How can spouses come to the feeling that they constitute a single entity? Answer: This task is given to them for their entire lives. They must achieve such unity between themselves that appears as perfection; i.e., they should realize that they are a single whole that cannot be divided. Then, in this unity, they […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
Effort Is Work toward Unity
April 25, 2024
Question: Where should we focus our efforts to avoid wasting energy on trivial matters? What should we increase our efforts in? Answer: You should strengthen your actions in uniting with your friends so that everyone is in the same desire, the same intention, and all increasingly strive toward the one Creator. Effort is the work […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
Don’t Miss the Opportunity to Rise
April 25, 2024
Question: How do we work with the property of laziness when the heart is lazy to form a correct, sincere prayer? Answer: It is not easy. I think that for this it is necessary to unite the whole ten and unite together so that there is no place for laziness between you. It is necessary […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
There Is One Answer to All Questions
April 25, 2024
Question: Rabash begins the article “Love of friends – 1” with rhetorical questions: “What are you seeking?” Is this the question I should start my day with? Answer: Perhaps you have been thinking about this question for a long time, for many, many days, so you do not have to specifically start the day with […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
Heartfelt Closeness
April 25, 2024
Question: Is it right to begin treating friends in the ten with the same trepidation with which we ask you questions? Answer: No, you should strive to understand and treat each other with an open heart. You do not need to hide anything from your friends or avoid them. Be as close to them in […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
How Can We Attain the Significance of the Creator?
April 25, 2024
Question: How can all of Bnei Baruch, all the groups, attach themselves to the significance of the Creator that you possess? Answer: You should not strive for that. You should strive to establish a connection between yourselves and feel the Creator within this connection. Question: Where will you be in this process? Answer: I will […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
Measure in the Torah
April 25, 2024
Question: What is the measure in the Torah, and how do we renew it? Answer: Everyone should constantly strive to ascend higher and higher on spiritual degrees with the help of the Torah, and then you will have constant renewal. So the measure is the part a person attains in their spiritual work. And each […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
Exile—Separation from the Creator
April 25, 2024
Question: Is exile a feeling of only oneself? Is this what brings us suffering and distance from the Creator and leads us to death? Answer: Exile is a painful feeling for your ten when you turn away from Him instead of being glued to the Creator. Question: The feeling of friends is life? Answer: Yes, […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 4/24/24
April 24, 2024
Preparation to the Lesson Video: Play Now | Download Audio: Play Now | Download 1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “The Connection between Passover, Matza, and Maror” Video: Play Now | Download Audio: Play Now | Download Selected Highlights Video: Play Now | Download Audio: Play Now | Download
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 4/23/24
April 23, 2024
Preparation to the Lesson Video: Play Now | Download Audio: Play Now | Download 1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “What Is ‘the People’s Shepherd Is the Whole People’ in the Work?” Video: Play Now | Download Audio: Play Now | Download 2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
Audio Version Of The Blog – 4/22/24
April 22, 2024
Listen to an Audio Version of the Blog Download:MP3Audio
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
There Are Many Paths to the Creator
April 22, 2024
Question: Will a person who does not study Kabbalah be able to learn about the force of bestowal? Can people intuitively take this path? Answer: They can. It is said: “There are many paths to the Creator.” Based on the root of one’s soul and desires, each person follows their path, but the general principle […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
Shechina—the Connection between Us
April 22, 2024
The Shechina is the receiving Kelim, which a person transforms into bestowing Kelim. In the work of the ten, this is what you can put you as mutual bestowal, wanting to be together in a single feeling, in a single aspiration. Think about it more and more, and you will see that this state becomes more […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
Questions about Spiritual Work—108
April 22, 2024
Question: How can you help a friend prevent himself from leaving the spiritual work? Answer: Get closer to him, talk and consult with him, and involve him more and more in spiritual work. Question: What is “a Mitzva (commandment) induces a Mitzva”? Answer: When a person strives to fulfill something of the Creator’s desires, it […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
Work in a Family
April 22, 2024
Comment: A family nucleus has an interesting structure. People meet, get to know one another, sense one another in some way, and suddenly, you come to the point when you see yourself completely differently through your partner. Precisely in this nucleus, you cannot escape anywhere and cannot hide anything. It is like work with myself. […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
The Secret of Our Relationship
April 22, 2024
Question: According to Kabbalah, all structures are built according to the four stages of the development of desire. Does this apply even to works of fiction and movie scripts? Answer: If we want to fill a desire, we must treat it the way the light that created it treats it, according to the same four […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
Concessions Are the Most Important Thing in the Family
April 22, 2024
Yielding is not regarded as love in wholeness, for the one who yields always waits for when he will regain the power of control (Rabash, Article 240, “Discernments in States”). Question: On one hand I yield more to my husband. On the other hand, thoughts come to me that there will come a time when […]
Dr. Laitman’s Blog
Walk in the Middle
April 22, 2024
Currently, we are in a state where we need to think about what forces our development is based on and whether we can replace bad, painful forces with those that are better and more comfortable so we can quickly come to our correction. Comment: The fact is that when you get hit, you become softer, […]