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  • Sarah

    What inspired me most ? The course started & ended with the current state of our world, where, clearly, changes have to be made for humanity to survive. I like that KabU puts its work clearly in this arena – THE most important work we can do.   KabU is offering a solution, in that by becoming conscious of the greater whole & working towards creating that unity, instead of for our own egos, must indeed be in alignment with the will of the Creator.  If this is actually the case ( & I don’t know that, as yet),then we, who have been called thus far, may have a real influence on how the world now turns.  It seems to me that the revelation of Kabbalah now, is the plan of HaShem. Pretty awesome.

    In addition, I would like to thank each of these :-  KabU for its generosity in giving all this 10 week course for free, Tony & co for the inspiring videos, and the vision and mission of Rav Laitman for presenting this to the world.

    What have I learned about myself?  That I like a full discussion of the ideas presented, particularly I would have liked more explanations & argey-bargey, since some of these concepts have been very counter-intuitive for me, and rather intellectual – more than felt . I guess I felt a little alone in my questioning of what was being said, and in particular, my concerns with the use of very language very integral to KabU.   The picture so far is a difficult & overwhelming one – what is being asked is  – well, a complete change in my way of thinking, & the ego does it’s kicking & screaming bit, inevitably.    On the other hand, I  notice that some changes have been occurring naturally in my personal sphere, so I am being proactive in forming little groups to do various spiritual things. So I am being a little more out there in the world.  I frequently find that I have been “led”, though I don’t understand the  way, the “HOW” it happened. The push-pull thingey is at work, for sure.

    For my fellow students – well done for getting this far, I have found all your comments very helpful to my own reflections, noticing the many different ways all this can be processed, so giving thanks for that. May all your desires be fulfilled.


    My goal must be to make the necessary changes in myself, so that I can, with my own will , accept the plan of the Creator, to align  my self with Him, & act accordingly.


    It seems to me we are all grasping in the dark.  Its all very well  guessing at ways this may be possible, BUT – until we have attained entry to the upper worlds, there really is know understanding of how this might feel & what we would then understand. Its far to big & far too confusing for me to give an answer to this question.


    One of the problems I am having is that, after 5 weeks on Part 1 and 3 weeks into Part 2, I am noticing that the LANGUAGING, the phrases people are using to describe their thoughts, has become very ingrained with the way the concepts are encapsulated in the course.   Does this have an effect on the thinking  which is being expressed?     For me, it makes it quite hard to actually understand what is being said.


    HI Clara,   I think that, when you give & other people take, rather than receiving with grace, is the problem?  I agree, there are many times like that, and my feeling is that what I want is ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, a gratitude.  For them to recognise that I have given something to them.  So – this IS wanting something back, and therefore is egoic.

    It seems to me that this mechanism also works with the Creator, who wants us to recognise that all in our life has come from Him, returning gratitude & worship.  This feels as if it must be true, since if He didnt want our acknowledgement, then wouldn’t we just be able to receive  and feel delight? End of story, we stay in the Garden of Eden?  But if it is true, does that make the Creator also  like us, in wanting something back from all He gives & we receive?  If so, isnt He also egoic?


    HI Clara,

    I can feel where you are coming from, & would like to answer, and invite others to answer, too.

    Yes, there do seem to be problems, in particular, it feels like you are asking, “Is G-d good?”.

    In the first semester, we were told that G-d wants to delight us, and now we have heard stuff which seems to question that.

    In many traditions, I ve heard that if you take one step towards G-d, He comes running to meet you.   But here we have been told, if you move towards G-d, He pushes you away ,and the more you want Him, the more He pushes you away.  I find this a dubious reason to keep going, as if it was a person behaving like that, I d turn away,  “OK, got the message”.    The message here is, at least, if you want the delight, you have to work for it & prove your devotion.  In a way, I can see that, since humans in general are very fickle.  Like a parent giving “tough love “.

    But the part about us having built in EGOs, and a predetermined life, means that G-d has planned all the bad things we see around us. How can you blame the human ego, if the human had no choice? I can understand that maybe the egos are put there for us to overcome them. BUT, if all the things we do are predetermined, then that is really hard for me to accept, too, Clara.

    The answer – only following this very narrow bit of freedom will get us there – well, more than 98% of all peoples do not have that awareness or opportunity, and that is by the predetermining design of the Creator.    so, at this stage, I too have very strong doubts.

    How about the rest of you guys ?  – new perspectives welcome !


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